Paylinx for Magento
The Paylinx for Magento WeChat payment plugin supports WeChat QR code and H5 In-App Web-based Payment
Buy Now $129 /Site
Paylinx for Magento WeChat plugin is a Magento WeChat payment plugin developed by Xunhu. It supports WeChat QR code and H5 In-App Web-based Payment, and supports Magento v1.9x
- Write the code strictly in accordance with WeChat payment interface document
- Strictly follow Magento2 payment module specifications, do not change the core code of the website, does not affect other modules, easy to maintain and extend.
- WeChat QR code in PC
- H5 In-App Web-based Payment
- If payment is unsuccessful, the shopping cart will not be emptied, no order will be generated
Set Royalpay payment module, just fill in the Paylinx Mchid and PartnerKey
payment gateway selection
- 1 month free technical support
- License Type:Site
- Price:$129/site
- 1 year free update
- The second year to upgrade the plug-in price charged 20%, do not upgrade does not affect the use of.
- PHP5.4 or later, PHP curl
- Plug-in has been encrypted, but does not affect the secondary development, encryption does not rely Zend framework
- Within 12 hours after purchase, it will be sent to the email address